
News in and around Santa Barbara's Mission Canyon

The Mission Canyon Association is surveying Canyon residents about their experience with cell phone reception. Verizon is currently proposing installing a new cell phone tower in the canyon (possibly on property owned by the Botanic Garden), and the Garden has asked the Association for feedback on whether an additional tower is warranted. If built, other wireless providers (AT&T, T-Mobile, etc.) will be able to “piggy-back” their services on such a tower. Therefore, your help in responding to the following few questions will help us greatly in assessing the need for a new tower. Thanks in advance for your cooperation and help.

Link to the Survey

Survey Results

2 thoughts on “Mission Canyon Cell Phone Reception Questionnaire

  1. I’d hate to see a cell-tower intrusion near the Botanic Garden area or within its view (which is fabulous up toward the mountains). Surely the tower could be located where it doesn’t spoil the view of the hills.

  2. I am opposed to a cell tower in Mission Canyon (especially on the Botanic Garden). It would be an obvious eyesore and is not the best location either. Farther up the ridgeline about the last house would make much more sense from a range and aesthetic standpoint.

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